Berkeley Way West: Safety

Instructions in case of fire, earthquakes or other evacuation emergencies


Posted evacuation diagrams located by the stairways by the elevator which include routes, fire alarm pull stations, and fire extinguishers locations.

Please check with your area assistants for locations of First Aid Kit.


A building occupant is required by law to evacuate the building when the fire alarm sounds. There may be instances where the building would be evacuated without a fire alarm sounding.

When evacuating your building or work area:

  • Stay calm, do not rush, and do not panic.
  • Safely stop your work.
  • Gather your personal belongings if it is safe to do so. (Reminder: take prescription medications out with you if at all possible; it may be hours before you are allowed back in the building.)
  • If safe, close your office door and window but do not lock them.
  • Use the nearest safe stairs and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator.
  • Proceed to the designated Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) and report to your roll taker.
  • Wait for any instructions from building coordinator.
  • Do not re-enter the building or work area until you have been instructed to do so by the building coordinator.
  • Notify the roll taker of the location of any disabled or injured persons still in the building so that appropriate emergency responders can be dispatched. Assist disabled or injured persons only if you are trained and able to do so.


  • A building occupant is required by law to evacuate the building when the fire alarm sounds.
  • Immediately notify the fire department by pulling the alarm pull. Call 911 or (510) 642-3333 at a safe location to provide details of the situation.
  • If trained, able and safe (with a sure and safe exit), use a portable fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Evacuate if one extinguisher does not put out the fire.
  • Evacuate the building as soon as the alarm sounds and proceed to the Emergency Evacuation Area.
  • On your way out, warn others.
  • Use stairs only; do not use elevators.
  • Move away from fire and smoke. Close doors and windows if time permits.
  • Touch closed doors. Do not open them if they are hot.
  • Enter the building only when instructed to do so by emergency responders.


Inside the building:

  • Duck under the nearest sturdy object and hold onto it until the shaking stops. If you are not near a sturdy object, make yourself as small as possible and cover your head and neck.
  • If you stand in a doorway, brace yourself against the frame and watch out for a swinging door or other obstruction.
  • Avoid windows, filing cabinets, bookcases and other heavy objects that could fall or shatter.
  • Stay under cover until the shaking stops, then leave the building and go to the Emergency Evacuation Area or another designated location. Report to your roll taker.
  • Persons in your area may be injured or trapped. Give assistance or alert the official campus Emergency Response Team, if possible.
  • As you leave the building, if safe, check for fires, spills of hazardous or flammable materials or possible ignition sources and turn off electrical equipment in your immediate work area.

Outside the building:        

  • Move away from trees, signs, buildings, electrical poles and wires, fires and smoke.
  • Avoid standing near Berkeley Way once you have exited the building because falling debris around the perimeter of the building could cause injuries.
  • Protect your head with your arms from falling debris.
  • Move away from fire and smoke.
  • Proceed to the Emergency Assembly Area or a pre-designated alternate assembly area. Report to your roll taker.
  • Stay alert for further instructions.