García Bedolla, L. and C. Hosam. 2021. Latino Politics, 3rd edition. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Carlson, T., M. Abrajano, and L. García Bedolla. 2020. Talking Politics: Political Discussion Networks and the New American Electorate. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
García Bedolla, L. 2014. Latino Politics, 2nd edition. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
García Bedolla, L. and M. R. Michelson. 2012. Mobilizing Inclusion: Transforming the Electorate through Get-Out-the-Vote Campaigns. New Haven: Yale University Press.
García Bedolla, L. 2009. Latino Politics. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
García Bedolla, L. 2005. Fluid Borders: Latino Power, Identity, and Politics in Los Angeles. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Paiz, C., L. García Bedolla, and K. Gutiérrez. 2023. “Civics on the Move: The Politics of Latinx Civic Integration.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 705(1): 192-207.
Mallet, M and L. García Bedolla. 2021. “Immigration Policy and Belonging: Ramifications for DACA recipients.” American Behavioral Scientist 65(9): 1-15.
García Bedolla, L. 2021. “On the Ballot in 2020: With the United States (finally) Embrace Civil Rights?” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 6(1): 71-81.
Abrajano, M. and L. García Bedolla. 2020. “Latino Political Participation 25 Years After the Passage of Proposition 187: Opportunities and Continuing Challenges.” UC Davis Law Review 53(April): 1831-1858.
García Bedolla, L. and A. Silva. 2020. “Emancipatory Pedagogies: Fostering Political Activity through Action.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 10(1): 117-125.
Carlson, T., M. Abrajano, and L. García Bedolla. 2020. “Political Discussion Networks and Political Engagement Among Voters of Color.” Political Research Quarterly 73(1): 79-95.
Abrajano, M., T. Carlson, L. García Bedolla, S. Oklobdzija, S. Turney. 2019. "When campaigns call, who answers? Using observational data to enhance our understanding of phone mobilization(link is external)." Electoral Studies (published online April 2019).
Mallet, M. and L. García Bedolla. 2019. “Transitory Legality: The Health Implications of Ending DACA(link is external).” California Journal of Politics and Policy 11(2): 1-25.
Quinn, R., M. Hopkins, and L. García Bedolla. 2017. “The Politics of Immigration and Education.” Education Policy 31 (6): 707-715.
García Bedolla, L. and J. Andrade. 2017. “The Invisible Hand of History: Pluralism, Power, and Inequality.” PS: Political Science and Politics 50 (4): 1062-1067.
Michelson, M. R. and L. García Bedolla. 2014. “Mobilization by Different Means: Nativity and GOTV.” International Migration Review 48 (3): 710-727.
García Bedolla, L. 2012. “Latino Education, Civic Engagement, and the Public Good.” Review of Research in Education 36: 23-42.
García Bedolla, L. 2010. “Good Ideas Are Not Enough: Considering the Politics Underlying Students’ Postsecondary Transitions.” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) 15 (1 & 2): 9-26.
Michelson, M. R., L. García Bedolla, and M. McConnell. 2009. “Heeding the Call: The Effect of Targeted Two-Round Phonebanks on Voter Turnout.” Journal of Politics 71 (4): 1549-1563.
García Bedolla, L. and M. R. Michelson. 2009. “What Do Voters Need to Know? Testing the Role of Cognitive Information in Asian American Voter Mobilization.” American Politics Research 37 (2): 254-274.
García Bedolla, L., J. Lavariega Monforti, and A. Pantoja. 2007. “A Second Look: The Latina/o Gender Gap.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 28 (3 & 4): 147-171.
García Bedolla, L. and B. Scola. 2006. “Finding Intersection: Race, Class, and Gender in the California Recall Vote.” Politics and Gender 2 (1): 5-27.
Alvarez, R. M. and L. García Bedolla. 2004. “The Revolution against Affirmative Action in California: Politics, Economics, and Proposition 209.”State Politics and Policy Quarterly 4 (1): 1-17.
García Bedolla, L. 2003. “The Identity Paradox: Latino Language, Politics, and Selective Dissociation.” Latino Studies 1 (2): 264-283.
Alvarez, R. M. and L. García Bedolla. 2003. “The Foundations of Latino Voter Partisanship: Evidence from the 2000 Elections.” Journal of Politics 65 (1): 31-49.
García Bedolla, L. 2000. “They and We: Identity, Gender, and Politics among Latino Youth in Los Angeles.” Social Science Quarterly 81 (1): 106-222.
García Bedolla, L. “Race, Equity, and Civic Education.” 2024. In E. Beaumont and E. Beerbohm, eds. Civic Education in Polarized Times. New York: New York University Press.
García Bedolla, L. 2014. “How an Intersectional Approach May Help to Transform the University.” Politics & Gender 10 (3): 447-455.
García Bedolla, L. and K. Haynie. 2013. “The Obama Coalition and the Future of American Politics.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 1 (1): 128-133.
García Bedolla, L. 2011. “Educating Immigrant Children: the American DREAM Deferred?” Teachers College Record, is external)ID Number: 16310.
García Bedolla, L. 2009. “Why U.S. Foreign Policy Matters: Latino Migration to the United States.” Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies (spring): 50-55.
García Bedolla, L. 2007. “Intersections of Inequality: Understanding Marginalization and Privilege in the Post Civil-Rights Era.” Politics and Gender 3 (2): 232-248.
García Bedolla, L. 2005. “The Gender, Race, and Ethnic Implications of Initiative Policymaking in California.” California Policy Issues Annual 6: 21-33.
García Bedolla, L. 2005. “Resources and Civic Engagement: the Importance of Social Capital for Latino Political Incorporation.” Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy 17: 41-54.
García Bedolla, L. and C. Uhlaner. 2004. “Is the Personal Political? Gender, Sexual Misconduct, and the California Recall.” PS: Political Science and Politics 37 (1): 15-18.